Bryce State Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama recently underwent a massive energy efficiency project where - among other projects - a large centrally located fire tube boiler boiler was replaced with six fuel efficient Miura boilers.
The Miura boilers were chosen due to their small size and ability to go from cold start to full steam in five minutes. This flexibility permitted the facility engineers to put several small boiler rooms nearer the buildings they served. This move reduced the amount of steam piping required along with the associated insulation, steam traps and maintenance. The contractors installed the Miura boilers and ancillary items in prefabricated boiler rooms that blended in with the architecture of the nearly 150 year old campus.
When the new Miura boilers were commissioned the large firetube boiler was retired. The natural gas savings were staggering - almost 50% less gas use from day one of the Miura startup.
Like all state institutions, Bryce Hospital is very serious about being good stewards of taxpayer money. In this case, Alabama taxpayers got great value for their money.