Use of renewable energy, education of the building industry and responsible refrigerant use are encouraged in a new joint statement on climate change issue by ASHRAE and the Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH). By signing the statement, ASHRAE and AIRAH resolve to:
-->Support research and development activities designed to reduce buildings’ energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
-->Educate building owners, operators, users, designers, and constructors on the importance of building energy efficiency, corresponding climate change impact, and proper operations and maintenance measures
-->Encourage the supply of renewable energy into buildings and building engineering systems when economically feasible
-->Develop and implement sustainable building designs, materials, components, systems, and processes that minimize environmental impacts, including climate change, while maintaining indoor environmental quality
-->Provide advice, information, and assistance to governments and other influential bodies on energy efficiency and climate change emissions in both new and existing buildings
-->Encourage responsible refrigerant use, including emissions reduction strategies and technologies and encourage development of energy efficient refrigerants with low or zero global warming potential
-->Support the development and implementation of standards, building codes, incentive programs, and voluntary initiatives aimed at reducing building environmental impacts
-->Implement holistic and coordinated approaches to identifying and resolving environmental issues at all stages of a building’s life cycle—from conception, design, and construction through operation, maintenance, refurbishment, and deconstruction
For the complete article or more information, please contact: Contact: Jodi Dunlop, Public Relations, ASHRAE, 678-539-1140, jdunlop@ashrae.org