Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Truckload of Energy Efficiency

Highly efficient Miura steam boilers were selected for a major utility upgrade project at a roofing manufacturing plant in Texas. Marspec worked closely with the specifying engineer to create a package of steam production and condensate handling equipment that was both economical to purchase as well as operate.

Marspec supplied three Miura EX300 boilers, a Lockwood deaerator and various other valves and accessories. We snapped a photo the truck carrying one of the Miura boilers and the Lockwood DA as it was preparing to leave the Marspec facility.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Marspec Ships Ductwork for Economizer Project

The condensing economizer that Marspec shipped to a Mississippi industrial customer was completed with some custom ductwork designed by Marspec and built to our specifications by a local fabricator. The completed metalwork was delivered to Marspec's Spanish Fort, Alabama shop where it was insulated and palletized for shipment.

Here is a photo of the completed ducting loaded on the hauler for delivery to the job site.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Marspec Technical Products Appointed Representative for Mader Dampers

We are pleased to have been chosen as the authorized factory representative Mader Dampers to service Alabama, Mississippi and northwest Florida.

Mader offers a complete line of dampers for all hot gas services. From louver types to simple butterfly designs, Mader can meet any customer need. Users in the power generation, steel, and other furnace-using industries can find a high-quality custom built damper at competitive prices.

Additionally, Marspec can select and mount nearly any style actuator and other control accessories in our Spanish Fort shop.

Visit the Mader web site for more details or call Marspec at 800-233-1394.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spirotherm Air Separators Save Big Energy Dollars

A large Midwestern university found a significant chiller performance improvement through proper air elimination in the circulating chilled water piping system. Best of all, the project carried a sub-two year simple payback.

Youngstown (Ohio) State University studied one of their chilled water systems with an eye toward reducing energy consumption. The system included 3 -1,200 ton York chillers fed by 3 -250HP chilled water pumps. While the pumps maximum design flow was 8,640 GPM the variable frequency drives were locked at 6,500GPM for constant flow operation. The chillers were operated under a variable output control plan.

The study zeroed in the installed air separator which was a common centrifugal design. The 16” line size separator was rated for 8,000 GPM maximum flow however, at maximum flow its’ removal efficiency was only 40%.

The physical plant operator investigated the impact of a new, high efficiency coalescing air and dirt separator built by Spirotherm and customized for the project. The recommended unit was a 20” line size, selected for optimum air elimination at the maximum flow rates. Even at maximum flow conditions the selected unit:

  • · Eliminated 100% of the free air
  • · Eliminated 100% of the entrained air
  • · Eliminated up to 99.6% of the dissolved air

The dirt separator function of the Spirotherm unit removed 80% of all dirt and sediment 30 microns and larger within 100 passes. This feature eliminated the need for additional sidestream filtration and the associated maintenance it would require.

The new Spirotherm air and dirt separator was installed in a very short time window – 24 hours over a holiday - and was started up without a hitch. The results of the new separator were apparent almost immediately:

  • Chiller output went from 2,300 tons to 2,700 tons; a 15.9% increase
  • ΔT at the chiller increased from 8.5°F to 10°F
  • Delivered air temperature at the furthest point on the campus went from 65°F to 58.5°F

So what can this advanced separator actually save in energy costs? A lot it, turns out. When the control scheme is altered to a variable pump flow and constant chiller output plan, the required chiller output (2,300 tons) can be met with only 5,543GPM – a 14.7% reduction in pump flow from the original 6,500GPM. Couple that with head reduction to only 72.7% of the initial conditions, pump power consumption drops to only 62.1% of initial conditions – a 37.9% KWh savings.

Put into dollar amounts, the Youngstown State plant engineer calculates that the previous system’s pump energy consumption cost the school $94,650.00 per year. At 62.1% of the initial conditions (as outlined above), the new pump energy consumption will be $58,778.00 – an annual savings of nearly $36,000.00.

The project cost was $70,300.00 which included a contractor’s premium for overnight installation on a very tight schedule. The project’s simple payback was just under two years – savings that will continue to accrue over time.

Marspec Technical Products can help you select the right Spirotherm air and dirt separator for your unique needs. For complete details – and a demonstration – of this technology, call us at 1-800-233-1394.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Solar Water Heating from Marspec & American Microsolar

Marspec is pleased to have been appointed the regional representative for American Microsolar. This unique, patented technology is able to bring the feasibility of solar water heating to more places in the USA.

American Microsolar uses a series of coaxial water heating tubes that collect solar energy and then through a thermosyphon action, conduct it to the rooftop storage tank. The American Microsolar water heating system is so effective, it was able to bring water to a boil in less than 7 hours in a mid-northern latitude.

Contact us for the details of this exciting new product.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Marspec Welcomes Jeffery Grizzle

Marspec is very pleased to announce that Jeffery Grizzle has joined the company in the capacity of inside sales and marketing specialist.

Jeffery is focused on outreach efforts to help customers find new energy efficiencies with Miura boilers.
We welcome Jeffery to the Marspec team!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marspec to Supply New Condensing Economizer

Marspec Technical Products has been selected to provide a new Sidel Systems condensing economizer to a North Mississippi manufacturing facility.

This new economizer will supply up to 120 gallons per minute of 'free' hot water for the process. The economizer acts as a water heater that takes advantage of the heat in the steam boiler's flue gas to provide this hot water. Heat that is now going up the stack to the atmosphere will now be harnessed to make hot process water.

Currently, the customer is running a steam boiler and supplying this steam to a heat exchanger to produce hot water. Marspec estimates that the customer will slash their natural gas bill by over $250,000.00 per year and reduce carbon emissions by nearly 4.1 million pounds annually - the equivalent of removing 357 passenger cars from the highway, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Steam Traps with Wheels

While we're on the subject of steam traps, here is a photo of a steam trap cart Marspec developed for a customer that unloaded railcars of asphalt. The previous practice was to simply allow the steam to blow through the coils. In addition to causing a great deal of noise, it took almost 48 hours to bring the asphalt to pumping temperature. The cost of steam used for each car was staggering - about $2,600.00.

Marspec showed the customer how much could be saved on each railcar by using properly sized and selected steam traps - nearly $2,300.00 per car. Marspec even devised an innovative steam trap solution that eliminated the need to spot the cars precisely to connect the steam traps.

A rubber-tired platform became a portable steam trap station. With two TLV JS7X steam traps, each car could be brought to temperature in less than 6 hours.

Marspec can design an energy saving solution for your tough challenges, too.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Better Way to Install Steam Traps

Marspec Technical Products was recently awarded an order for the design and construction of a steam trap manifold for an Alabama manufacturer of thermoplastic products.

Originally, the customer used different types of steam traps from various manufacturers without knowledge of how the traps would affect production. Marspec's Craig Simons and Wayne Hoggle performed a walk-through survey focusing on improvements to reduce energy usage and improve productivity. The team realized that by using correctly selected steam traps in a well thought out installation, the facility could cut the amount of steam used per unit of production.

Craig and Wayne recommended that the customer install TLV J-series free float steam traps an
d SpeedWrap high tech thermal insulation. The TLV J-series team traps are unequaled in removing air and large slugs of condensate on batch processes. Reduced startup time means more production and improved profitability. The SpeedWrap insulation product keeps more of the condensate's heat in the line for return to the boiler. Hotter returned condensate means less fuel is needed to create steam.

Marspec was given the go ahead to develop the manifold in the photos. In a matter of days, the Marspec shop assembled the manifold and added the removable

Marspec can design a unique steam trap manifold for your plant, too.