Friday, February 27, 2009

Accolades for Marspec and Wayne Hoggle

“It is often said that a company is known by its people and such a case exists with Wayne Hoggle, CEM, CSDP, of Marspec Technical Products. I work closely with him to serve my assigned customer base of various manufacturing companies in the rubber, plastic and automotive industries. My purpose in introducing my customer contacts to Hoggle is to connect them with his experience. I have depended on Hoggle for his technical expertise and product lines for years now. My customers and I have been very pleased with Hoggle and Marspec’s performance as they seek the same level of customer satisfaction that we at the Alabama Power Company strive for. Reliable, dependable, honest, customer-oriented, and experienced are just some of the words to describe Hoggle and Marspec. My trust in Hoggle means if he says it is so; it is so. With a proven record of performance and cost savings ideas and products, I recommend any company desirous of a competitive advantage to work with Wayne Hoggle and Marspec Technical Products.”

Mike Bradshaw, Major Account Manager
Alabama Power Company
Rubber, Plastics, Automotive

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Marspec Hosting Technical Seminars on Indoor Air Quality and Energy Recovery

(Mobile, AL) – Process, steam, and green equipment supplier, Marspec Technical Products, announced plans to host two seminars on indoor air quality and energy recovery.

The seminars will be presented by Mr. Klas Haglid, PE, on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 in Tuscaloosa, AL and Wednesday March 4, 2009 in Birmingham, AL. Mr. Klas Haglid, PE is the President/CEO of Haglid Engineering Inc. and founder of BPE (Building Performance Equipment) Air to Air Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems. Mr. Haglid is past Chairman of ASHRAE Technical Committee 5.5 Air to Air Energy Recovery and past Chairman of ASHRAE Technical Committee 7.8 Owning and Operating Costs. Mr. Haglid holds a number of patents for systems combining energy recovery devices with innovative controls for building performance improvement.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standards have been in affect for years, but only recently has the importance of meeting IAQ standards been regarded in the context of energy recovery in HVAC systems. This has raised some interesting questions:

-->Are energy costs of compliance to ASHRAE 62.1 being considered during the building design process?

-->With the prospects of increased fuel and energy costs, how do users limit usage during peak load periods in summer and winter?

-->Does compliance to IAQ standards require additional heating or cooling capacity in existing buildings?

-->How will Congress’ recent economic stimulus package affect industrial and institutional construction with its emphasis on energy and the environment?

-->How can facilities designers and operators recover lost energy while meeting IAQ standards?

-->What technologies exist to recover lost energy in HVAC systems, and how efficient are they?

These and many other important questions concerning these issues will be addressed in detail at the upcoming seminars. Other topics covered will focus on issues of ASHRAE 62.1 compliance and energy recovery, and will cover the following topics:

-->Introduction to IAQ Standards

-->Understanding ASHRAE 62.1-2004

-->IAQ Effects on Energy Usage

-->Air to Air Heat Transfer Technologies

The seminars are designed for the purpose of creating awareness of the energy savings that can be achieved through IAQ and Energy Recovery. Professionals who would benefit from the seminars are Facility Managers and Directors, Facility Engineers, HVAC Professionals, Consulting Engineers, Building Owners & Operators, Government Agency Representatives, School District Representatives, Utility Representatives, and Energy Service Providers.

Space is limited, and registrations will be limited to the first 25 respondents to each seminar. The seminars include lunch and are absolutely free of charge for those who attend. CEU credits are available for those applicable.


MARSPEC TECHNICAL PRODUCTS is service-driven supplier of steam specialty and energy efficiency products, energy consultation services, heat recovery services and equipment, and corrosives conveying and flow control. Marspec currently has offices or representatives in Mobile, AL, Brewton, AL, Cullman, AL, Birmingham AL, Pensacola, FL and Columbus, MS.

For more information about MARSPEC TECHNICAL PRODUCTS, visit or call Michelle toll-free 1-800-233-1394.

ASHRAE/AIRAH Issue Joint Resolution on Climate Change

Use of renewable energy, education of the building industry and responsible refrigerant use are encouraged in a new joint statement on climate change issue by ASHRAE and the Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH). By signing the statement, ASHRAE and AIRAH resolve to:

-->Support research and development activities designed to reduce buildings’ energy use and greenhouse gas emissions

-->Educate building owners, operators, users, designers, and constructors on the importance of building energy efficiency, corresponding climate change impact, and proper operations and maintenance measures

-->Encourage the supply of renewable energy into buildings and building engineering systems when economically feasible

-->Develop and implement sustainable building designs, materials, components, systems, and processes that minimize environmental impacts, including climate change, while maintaining indoor environmental quality

-->Provide advice, information, and assistance to governments and other influential bodies on energy efficiency and climate change emissions in both new and existing buildings

-->Encourage responsible refrigerant use, including emissions reduction strategies and technologies and encourage development of energy efficient refrigerants with low or zero global warming potential

-->Support the development and implementation of standards, building codes, incentive programs, and voluntary initiatives aimed at reducing building environmental impacts

-->Implement holistic and coordinated approaches to identifying and resolving environmental issues at all stages of a building’s life cycle—from conception, design, and construction through operation, maintenance, refurbishment, and deconstruction

For the complete article or more information, please contact: Contact: Jodi Dunlop, Public Relations, ASHRAE, 678-539-1140,

Monday, February 16, 2009

Reduced Energy Use Control Valves from Warren Controls

Everyone is seeking ways to reduce energy consumption and many people are surprised to learn that choosing the right control valve can bring energy savings. Just choosing the correct control valve actuator can reduce a final control element's size and significantly cut energy costs associated with operating the valve. Warren Controls has produced an interesting white paper outlining the benefits of electronic actuators. It's well worth your time to read it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

State Hospital Chooses Miura Boilers

Bryce State Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama recently underwent a massive energy efficiency project where - among other projects - a large centrally located fire tube boiler boiler was replaced with six fuel efficient Miura boilers.

The Miura boilers were chosen due to their small size and ability to go from cold start to full steam in five minutes. This flexibility permitted the facility engineers to put several small boiler rooms nearer the buildings they served. This move reduced the amount of steam piping required along with the associated insulation, steam traps and maintenance. The contractors installed the Miura boilers and ancillary items in prefabricated boiler rooms that blended in with the architecture of the nearly 150 year old campus.

When the new Miura boilers were commissioned the large firetube boiler was retired. The natural gas savings were staggering - almost 50% less gas use from day one of the Miura startup.

Like all state institutions, Bryce Hospital is very serious about being good stewards of taxpayer money. In this case, Alabama taxpayers got great value for their money.

TLV Steam Trap Product Animations

Marspec Technical Products is pleased to represent the TLV line of steam traps, pumps, control valves and accessories in Alabama and portions of Mississippi and Florida. The entire TLV line is reflective of the company's philosophy of 'incomparable originality'. We invite you to take a few moments to browse the fascinating product animations on the TLV web site. Better than any printed literature, these animations detail just how original TLV's thinking - and products - are.

Monday, February 9, 2009

ASHRAE President Bill Harrison's Update on His Theme "Maintain to Sustain" in the Building Industry

"There is an elephant in the room but it seems that hardly anyone knows it's there," he said. "Those in the building industry see and recognize it for the monstrosity it is, but most people don't know that they're essentially avoiding a huge energy issue. Everywhere you look, there's talk of increased fuel efficiency for vehicles, alternative fuels, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. These are admirable efforts, and I would never want to detract from those. But the elephant in the corner--our world's existing building stock--constitutes roughly 30 to 40 percent of our primary energy use, easily larger than either transportation or industry. It's time we started focusing on it."

The entire speech can be read at


...there is more waste heat available from US Industry than all energy currently produced with renewable sources combined (7 Quadrillion Btu)?

This is an astounding figure! It's about time we started recovering it!

Source: US Department of Energy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mechanology Steam Turbines are Part of the Marspec Line

Marspec has been selected to represent the Mechanology steam turbine line in Alabama, Mississippi and northwest Florida.

Mechanology steam turbines can be used to drive pumps, compressors and generators. In fact, Mechanology offers a complete combined heat and power package to customer specifications. If you'd like to see how a Mechanology steam turbine can help you save energy dollars, give us call at 251 432 0581 to speak to an applications specialist.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Marspec Technical Products Announces Partnership with ENERGY STAR®

Marspec Technical Products announced a fundamental commitment to protect the environment by becoming an ENERGY STAR Partner.

Marspec Technical Products’ voluntary partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR means that they will be working towards their goal of helping clients improve energy efficiency and performance of their facilities.

Maspec’s partnership with ENERGY STAR further supports the company’s vision of providing environmentally friendly, innovative problem solving products and services helping industrial, institutional, and commercial businesses use energy more efficiency and responsibly. Marspec and ENERGY STAR believe that an organization-wide energy management approach will help their clients enhance their financial health and aid in preserving the environment for future generations.

“We are very excited about our partnership with Energy Star. We feel as though they share the same vision and goals as we do, and we are thrilled about working together to promote energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. We look forward to a sustainable future of saving energy, jobs and the environment—one Btu at a time,” says Sam Box, Vice President.

For example, Marspec recommended that one industrial manufacturing facility recover Btu’s by capturing and reusing normally wasted hot stack gases produced from an 80,000 pph boiler, and replacement of an existing, out-of-date boiler with new, highly efficient, environmentally friendly, modular boilers. The projected outcome of this particular project is astounding: Monetary savings of $636,566 per year or $53,047 per month, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 585 pounds per operating hour, or almost 4.1 million pounds per year—the equivalent of removing 357 vehicles from the highway!